Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Well once we got back from Burger King, we got ready for the dinner with the Bishop. We were done eating and Father Steve suggested that we should go mingle with the other churches. So we did! In fact we went to all of the tables. We introduced ourselves and talked about different things from our day. We even started getting song requests so our group sang "This Little Light of Mine" and to another table the "ABCs." It gave everyone a smile which was great. We went to a hotel room to reflect on the week and then had a small mass in a confrence room. To close our night we went up to the pool on the roof then packed and went to bed. We left Monday morning and were on our way back to Texas! On the very last flight we read letters that all the WYD families had written to us which was really touching. Once we got to the airport, we rode down the elevators and chanted "we are the youth of the father" but in spanish. I saw my mom and ran to her and just started crying. We all got cupcakes and they had all these "Welcome Home" signs. It was really exciting. Then the majority of the group went to Olive Garden where we learned that our Jet Lag had finally caught up to us. We were all so exhausted!
Our pilgrimage to Madrid was truly an amazing experience. I learned so much. The individual activities itself weren't life changing, but it was the whole view of the week collectively that truly had an impact on our lives. This week many questions were answered and any doubts about our Catholic faith were gone because seeing 2 million worship and pray the exact same way that you do reasurred many of us. Everyone there was there for the same reason; to have fellowship and love Jesus. Many friends were made from all over the world! Our group itself bonded even more while we were away too. We were all so open to our feelings and so comfortable with eachother. It's very hard to describe in words how it felt to got to WYD 2011. All that's left to say is thank you all for following and keeping updated. Thank you Father Steve for bringing us together and helping us reflect on each and everyday! Thank you all for being so kind and donating and praying for us. This journey was well worth all the work.

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